b'| EDITORIAL |INTRODUCTIONPassionate anglers, with more than 100 years of experience in the manufacturing and marketing of fish hooks, we are committed to keeping on innovating to offer you constantly improved fish catching quality products while developing them in a more and moresustainableway.Beingsociallyandenvironmentallyres-ponsible has always been at the heart of the VMC project. This is self-explanatory when we project the life of our factory over several centuries.Our planet is beautiful and rich in natural resources including ri-vers, lakes, seas and oceans. This environment is under pressure from all sides and deteriorating. We fishermen, wardens of our aquatic environments, are aware of this. To meet this challenge, VMC is committed to limiting its impact on the planet and to sup-port responsible fishermen who preserve our environment.We work every day to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. We substitute harmful products with greener alternatives. We are re-ducing our water consumption and our industrial waste. We have developed eco-responsible packaging. We always want to do better than the standards that are imposed on us as a manu-facturer in the European Union. We also collaborate as much as possible with local companies for our various projects.Our social commitment is just as important. We are proud of the averageseniorityofouremployees,whichisalmost15years, and of having many employees whose families have contributed to the development of our factory for several generations, thus showing their commitment to the industrial adventure of VMC. This is the strength and expertise of VMC.Much remains to be done to reduce our environmental impact and strengthen our social commitment. You have to be humble and move forward step by step. You can count on our determi-nation.The 2024/2025 season looks promising for VMC, with ever more technical, innovative products that meet the needs of anglers looking for excellence.The whole VMC team wishes you a great season, tight lines and with good times on the water.Cyrille Viellard President of VMC PECHE4|RAPALA VMC'